YES - so so good, Tim!

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Yes, yes, yes to this. - "we can anchor ourselves in the knowledge that our identities are secure, that our worth and value are not up for debate." Everything becomes possible when we give up the activity of trying to justify our existence.

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“Surrounded by hordes of men, absorbed in all sorts of secular matters, more and more shrewd about the ways of the world--such a person forgets himself, forgets his name divinely understood, does not dare to believe in himself, finds it too hazardous to be himself and far easier and safer to be like the others, to become a copy, a number, a mass man."

-Søren Kierkegaard, "The Sickness Unto Death"

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Tim, what a beautiful story to carry the “essential” message for our lives. We are god carriers, and we carry a unique contribution to the world that is ours, and only ours, to manifest. The world needs this from us, and as you say, we don’t need to prove it, despite our egos and society thinking we do.

Thank you for the contribution you are to the world, particularly through your writing.

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Thank you James. I'm certainly on the journey...and it's a long way from completion!

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