Mar 21Liked by Tim Sweetman

Man, lots to think about here!

A few thoughts I’m having after digesting this:

- We place this dichotomy between quality and quantity. But it’s assuming that the more time we put into something the more people will find it qualitative. The other big assumption is that we’ll think it’s of good quality. How can we know we’ll think it’s awesome? Might not be the case.

- A concept I heard from a stand-up comedian was to consistently raise the quality of his worst jokes. He knew he had good content but he wanted to raise the quality of his worst output to rise the tide for the rest of his content too.

Really appreciated the article. Great conversation starter!

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There have been many times where the pieces I've spent the LEAST amount of time on have had the biggest responses and have been shared the most. It's a fine line between pursuing quality vs. overthinking and overanalyzing.

The danger of perfectionism really...I know Mohammad said to me offline that the only difference in "quantity and quality" is the deadline.

Which is why I love that second concept -- I think that's essential. Still working to do the weekly reps (even if it means scope changes a bit), but focus on elevating what I perceive is the lowest quality.

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Mar 21Liked by Tim Sweetman

Haha, you know Bobby McFerrin wrote Don’t Worry, Be Happy in a couple of hours and it’s his most famous song to date (even though his a prolific musician)!

Looking forward to your reps and writing journey, Tim. Do you have anything in mind to incrementally improve your writing?

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One thing I've been doing quite a bit is consuming better writing. Spending time reading really wonderful literature vs. spending time reading 140 characters I believe will improve my writing and skills. I'd like to do one more cohort with Write of Passage as well.

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Mar 20Liked by Tim Sweetman

Thanks for the thought-provoking honest post! I’m pretty new to Substack and the commitment to write weekly. In the short time I have done this, the one profound thing I’ve noticed the more I write to clarify for myself, that which I am currently processing in life, the more it seems to connect with others. I think that’s the power of our dreams. Although they make our quality of life better, they really are about blessing our world.

I think you’re asking good questions and one thing I’ve learned is good questions lead us to better places. Many blessings on your journey.

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Wayne...if you haven't written an essay with this sentence you should: "That’s the power of our dreams. Although they make our quality of life better, they really are about blessing our world."

I'll keep asking the questions -- and I think that's why the podcast I have is so key to my growth and learning, and the posture I'm having there (vs. perhaps some podcasts that focus on elevating the host's notoriety).

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Thanks, Tim! I’ve certainly written around the topic plenty! An essay dedicated to that topic is something I will certainly consider for the future! Thank you for the inspiration!

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My pleasure!

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great reflections, Tim! thanks for sharing your process around drilling into the why behind it all

it made me think about the reality that oftentimes when we try to hold steady to the level of output we've committed ourselves to, we often end up minimizing time and space for unexpected outcomes to take shape. we only give serendipity a limited time to breathe before we're off and on to the next essay, podcast, thing

hope you the balance that feels most aligned to you – both where you keep your promises to yourself *and* trust the universe will nudge you towards outcomes beyond your imagination

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For the record, Mohammad Khan and I sat and discussed this comment for almost an hour yesterday. Thank you for this wisdom.

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...my advice fwiw is to follow whichever creative journey feels best to you when you say it out loud alone to yourself...the bet is with yourself, you will win either way...so bet on whichever pony YOU think is going to win...and then if it loses go watch and bet on another race...they happen every day...

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Love it: “when you say it out loud alone to yourself.” I need to work a bit in the darkness on this…and speak it out…I know what I need to do…

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What a great friend and human Rick is. This was wonderful, Tim. Lots to think about.

Ultimately, it has to be you who is okay with the decision you make so I won't offer my 2 cents on the quality/consistency debate. The only thing I would say is you can ALWAYS find supporting evidence for any path or set of choices (as you showed in this post).

I don't think there's any one magical recipe, it just comes down to doing what works for you and finding the way to leave the mark that only you can leave in the world. I hope that helps a little.

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Incredibly helpful Jack, and so right: there's always supporting evidence for any path you choose.

I think really I'm attempting to find what the desired outcomes really are...and that can help determine more fully the pathway I take.

One other thing I didn't write in this essay has been my dream/idea that I would be the kind of author or writer that the folks that end up on the stage/podcast/writing bestsellers read or base their ideas on. Roger Martin for example is my hero in this...he's well regarded in his own right, but he's not writing Unreasonable Hospitality and on the NYT bestseller list.

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👏 lots to think about here, Tim. Got my wheels spinning too.

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It's such a difficult question to wrestle with: what are you doing this all FOR?

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I'm on this same journey, my friend. I've also loved The Artist's Way (Julia Cameron) and Mastery (Robert Greene). They add a 1-2 punch that I think it really complimentary.

There's also The Creative Act (Rick Rubin).

I know you said you didn't need any more books (I relate...) but if you do decide to reach for them, I vouch for them.

In short, I'm here with you!

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Well...the book journey never ceases. I almost picked up Rick Rubin's book a few weeks ago. I also was supposed to read The War of Art for altMBA but never read it. Think I should pick that up as well? I'm considering doing some audiobooks for the long commute I currently have to just feed my mind and help me add some questions to wrestle with.

Glad to be on the journey.

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Yeah the war of Art is awesome via audio. That's actually how I "read" it back in 2020.

The Song of Significance (Seth Godin) is another one that I really loved.

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You convinced me. Don’t tell Rick.

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These are big questions you're grappling with Tim. You made me question myself as well.

For your questions, it depends upon your goals.

- What if you shorten the timescale to 1 year?

- Where do you see your writing & podcast in 1 year?

- Do you want to build an audience? Or something else?

- If you want to go for those publications, then how does your writing build towards it?

Aah, this is such a thought-provoking essay. Great Job.

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Why do I feel like we need a writers retreat?

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I've done days where there's no writing done for essays

But I write to reorient my heading and make sure I'm still doing this for the right reasons.

Not a retreat but close enough to it.

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I have wondered if a day of asking and conversation around the questions you listed above...what that would do. The answers among a group would be fascinating.

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Mar 21·edited Mar 22Liked by Tim Sweetman

Why wonder?

Want to do it with me?

100% down to set aside an hour or two on a weekend or weekday dedicated to asking these questions.

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Mid-west summit...or virtual...or both.

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