I love where this got to, Tim! I know something is good for me when it makes me squirm, and this got me squirming! Lots to think about. Thanks for writing! So good!

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I know it resonates when I get text messages from people too! Thank you again for your help and feedback. I always love seeing these things evolve.

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Your opening scene with your family having asked a question you didn’t hear makes a crystal clear communication of this subject matter. What entrepreneur or creator hasn’t experienced this? I’d like to throw a consideration into the mix that Is working on me, and I don’t know what I think about it yet, so maybe you can shed some light. Maybe I should start with the fact that I am on an exercise bike at the gym, having read your piece and wanting to comment. Right off the bat, I’m a model citizen of non-otium. I have in the past engaged in lengthy periods of traditional meditative practice and a contemplative pace. I’ve also played crazy hard at work as a lifetime entrepreneur. As of late, I’ve been focusing on what feels like an inspired purpose or vision, and ignoring the management of exertion or rest, almost as an experiment to see if those cycles migjt be intelligently self-managing if the focus is not on me. So far, things are working out. I get natural cycles of regeneration and am discovering that there is a form of deep rest that comes from engaging with a purpose that I can’t get from sleep or “downtime”. Then again, I could totally be fooling myself. You should probably ask my wife how the experiment is going for a more objective answer. But I’m very happy currently with an unmanaged approach to work and rest. I have the feeling that there is an unspoken taboo in our culture against the ecstasy of obsession over a worthy muse.

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It's so funny you ask this. I was thinking about David Senra and the Founders Podcast -- when you find your life's calling, your obsession, it's no longer work. I told my wife that the other day as I was engaged on Saturday in my current obsession.

She said this: "Even though it's not work to you, sometimes for your family it's work to them."

In other words, I think we have to have people in our lives that help us decipher whether even if in the moments where work doesn't feel like work if it's negatively impacting those who we love and care for the most. Sometimes we need to not go to war, even though we are gifted at battle.

What's ironic about this piece is that your comment describes me perfectly as well. This piece is written to myself in SO many ways.

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